With the grace of Satguru Mata jee, on Saturday, December 16th, more than 100 devotees attended a Sewadal Team Bonding Session.
The day commenced with two buses and several cars driving to katoomba from Centre of Oneness (Sydney Bhawan). The hour passed very quickly as saints sang devotional hymns en route to Katoomba.
On arrival, tea and snacks were enjoyed by all while some of the devotees engaged in cricket, other sporting activities and nature walks.
Following the tea break, devotees were requested to form lines according to their respective sewadal teams and the games commenced.
A number of games were organized by the coordinators. Each game was played with much zeal by each devotee and although some games were competitive in nature, each saint participated with utmost collaboration, love and team spirit - hence making the day a successful one.
After lunch, the session ended on a blissful note with Rev Preeti Ganda Ji’s blessings which left devotees feeling a deeper connection with each other and with Almighty Nirankar.