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A Report on Rev. Tyagi ji and Team's Spiritual Tour to Albany, NY

January 09, 2016

It is true that saints live every moment of their lives for the benefit of mankind. They always remain enthusiastic to spread the message of Satguru and take every possible action in order to do so. That’s exactly what was evident during Rev. Dr. Tyagi Ji’s trip to New York.

In a series of monthly congregations at the Albany Chapter of Sant Nirankari Mission in New York, Rev. Dr. Shivraj Tyagi Ji – Pramukh Boston Branch visited Albany along with Rev. Bimla Ji and Rev. Kiran Ji. He reached Albany in the afternoon of Saturday, Jan 09 at Sunil Ji’s residence where he met other saints visiting from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, had a discussion with them before all left for congregation at Rev. Rachna Ji’s residence.


The congregation started at 5:00 PM with Avtar Bani recital followed by poems and experiences shared by kids. Mission’s message of “Know your real self”, “Self-realization through God realization” and “Harmony in Oneness” was shared by saints through various speeches and hymns. The congregation concluded with a discourse from Rev. Tyagi Ji. He emphasized the importance of God-Knowledge and the five principles associated with it. Explaining further he said that human form is mortal and has been given a certain number of breaths. Therefore, in this human life it is of prime importance to realize oneself which is only possible when one goes in the shelter of True Master. He concluded his discourse by praying for the welfare of all and that everyone could follow the teachings of the mission. After sangat, saints sat for an informal discussion with Tyagi Ji where he took time to explain and inspire a few friends who were new to Nirankari congregations.


Rev. Tyagi Ji and saints accompanying with him stayed overnight at Rev. Kusum Vohra Ji’s residence. Next morning a few saints gathered at Kusum Ji’s residence to spend time with Rev. Tyagi Ji over breakfast and listen to his words of wisdom. With this successful trip where Albany saints were really blessed, Rev. Tyagi Ji left for Boston in the morning of Sunday, Nov 10th

Albany chapter of Sant Nirankari Mission appreciates the selfless service of Rev. Tyagi Ji and accompanying Boston saints, and look forward to continue receiving these blessings.

Contributor to report:  Sunil Soni ji