"Human blood should flow in the veins,
not in the drains"

His Holiness
Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj

Sant Nirankari Mission, Melbourne (Universal Brotherhood) held it's 15th Blood Donation Drive at
Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) - Mount Waverley, Melbourne on 16 May 2010
The Blood Drive was exclusive and collectively organised by SNM Melbourne and ARCBS.

Hon Maxine Morand MP
Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development, Minister for Women's Affairs
represented PREMIER OF VICTORIA with a special message during her visit
recognising the generous efforts of mission's volunteers.

Mr David Macdermott - Community Relations, ARCBS
appreciated SNM members who volunteered to take on different roles like registration process,
attendants to the donors, refreshment area, transport from stations, distributing souvenir and more...

The blood donation was a great success with the most number of donors
participating in this drive than ever before in Melbourne branch.
With as many as 101 members attending and donating 90 units of whole Blood and 10+ Plasma,
the mission registered itself as a dignified community always ready to help others.

Members of SNM displayed an everlasting enthusiasm with their participation in this drive
to which the ARCBS officials acknowledged as the most enduring and dutiful donors.

The motive of this drive was to spread the message of His Holiness Baba Ji
and encourage people to work for the development and not destruction.

Premier of Victoria - Message Photos